Some notable middle-aged health changes are:
Reduced muscle mass and muscle strength: Low levels of Testosterone cause muscle fibers to shrink and lose elasticity, causing muscle sagging to occur.
Increased fat mass: Decreased testosterone in the blood will increase the ability to accumulate excess fat in the body, especially in the abdominal area. It can easily lead to diseases such as obesity and metabolic disorders.
Reduced bone mass: Middle-aged people often have an increased risk of bone fractures. This is because the process of decomposition of old bone structures tends to take place more vigorously, gradually losing bone structure. Especially when low Testosterone levels will affect the bone reconstruction process and lead to low bone density, which will also make the osteoporosis process stronger.
Memory loss: At this age, symptoms of memory loss or poor concentration begin to appear, very forgetful, and there may even be a risk of dementia.
Deteriorating digestive system: Middle-aged people may encounter digestive health problems such as bloating or abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits... In particular, loss of taste also affects the body. Middle-aged people have less appetite, accompanied by reduced chewing ability and absorption.
Increased cardiovascular diseases: During middle age, the decrease in Nitric Oxide also makes blood vessels less elastic and increases atherosclerosis, more seriously at this age. susceptible to cardiovascular diseases such as: High blood pressure or myocardial ischemia or myocardial infarction, stroke...
Middle age, from over 40 to over 50 years old, is the age when our bodies begin to change and show signs of aging . Therefore, when we are at this age, we need to pay more attention to our health.
At this age, the most common health problems are brain health, bone or cardiovascular health and blood sugar. Hormonal decline in both men and women easily causes the risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, to reverse aging and prevent diseases, middle-aged people need to pay more attention to body nutrition and combine exercise more appropriately.
There are ways to improve middle-aged health as follows:
Psychological factors greatly affect middle-aged health. Due to age, many middle-aged and elderly people are often difficult, easily anxious, and often feel lonely and sad. Depression can cause many people to neglect their health and be subjective about their body's warning signs. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the spiritual aspects of middle-aged people.
Most middle-aged people are often sedentary, and their bodies are also less adaptable to changes in the living environment. To prevent this, health experts suggest that middle-aged people should regularly exercise their bodies.
Increasing exercise helps improve health for the elderly.
In addition, participating in activities with people of the same age also helps older people relieve their psychology, reduce age pressure, share with friends and thereby no longer feel lonely or depressed .
In middle-aged people, eating also becomes less delicious because of reduced taste perception and the ability to digest food. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition or taste, and increase the preparation of dishes that can stimulate the taste buds and easily digest. Below are some suggestions for nutrition in middle-aged people.
In general, nutrition plays a very important role in reducing disease and improving health problems.
Enough and quality sleep is very important for middle-aged people, it is related to health and spirit. Try to go to bed early and wake up at the same time every day to create a regular sleep routine. If you have trouble sleeping, try minimizing your cell phone or computer use before bed and creating a quiet, comfortable environment.
Regulating sleep also helps improve middle-aged health.
For middle age and beyond, doctors always recommend regular health check-ups at least 1 to 2 times a year. Because age always has many potential risks to health such as stroke, blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, bone and joint diseases...
Nowadays, in addition to eating scientifically and living a healthy lifestyle, you can supplement functional foods containing Nicotinamide Mononucleotide , which is a precursor enzyme of Coenzyme NAD. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide is a miracle drug that helps rejuvenate aging and is one of the main sources of cellular energy in the body. NMN has anti-aging effects at the cellular level, reducing aging of the skin, muscles, bones, liver, vision, improving insulin sensitivity, immune function and physical activity levels. NAD is a coenzyme that plays an important role in metabolism and blood circulation, has the function of helping the body avoid diseases, and directly affects aging, thus has anti-aging and strengthening effects. middle-aged health and effective aging reversal.