The daily diet of Japanese people always focuses on ingredients from fish, seafood, and plant-based foods. So is eating fish better than eating meat? Let's find out in the following article.
What we eat has the power to help us or harm us. Processed foods do not provide enough nutrients and are the cause of diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. To live longer and healthier, we must provide our bodies with body of nutrients that are good for health. So what are the nutrients that help you live long?
Beef is a red meat widely used worldwide with high nutrient content. The nutritional ingredients in beef bring many benefits to human health. So what are the nutrients in beef and is eating beef good?
Processed foods are often high in sugar, artificial ingredients, refined carbohydrates and trans fats. Overconsumption of these foods is the main cause of obesity, which negatively impacts health.