

Associate Professor, Doctor of Physolophy, Medical Doctor.

Deputy Director of Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine.

Doctor of Nutrition at the University of Louvain in 1996

Many years of research and teaching on Nutrition and held many important positions in national health facilities and systems.

After graduating as a Doctor of Medicine and a Master in Nutrition from Hanoi Medical University, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ninh went to Belgium to study and successfully defended his PhD thesis in Nutrition at the University of Louvain in 1996. and was awarded the title of Associate Professor and Senior Researcher in 2017. Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ninh spent many years researching and teaching Nutrition and held many important positions in facilities and nation health systems. 

Currently, he is Deputy Director of the Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine and Nutrition Advisor, Deputy Head of the Health and Doping Committee, and Chairman of the Exemption Council (TUE) on Doping for Vietnamese Sports. Therefore, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ninh has been accompanying Yangmiwa in developing supplement regimens for high-performance athletes. He is also a renowned health communication education expert and has appeared in many health programs on national television. During the work and research process, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ninh has chaired and coordinated many projects to prevent malnutrition, anemia in women and children, and micronutrients in Vietnamese people,...

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